17 Husbands And Boyfriends Who Are Competing For The "Jerk Of The Year" Award

::side-eye emoji:: This boyfriend who commemorated his S.O.'s first fart in front of him with THIS. Thanks? mindspread / Via reddit.com The husband who made this label that his wife hasn't noticed yet. Oh-so-clever...or should I say, CLABBER. JimmyLegs50 / Via reddit.com This boyfriend who got his partner the 3-carat ring she asked for. BIG SIGH. vbpatel / Via reddit.com This serious Game of Thrones fan whose girlfriend let him decorate the bathroom. Funny, TBH. brianito / Via reddit.com This husband who just COULDN'T resist "writing" on the new pillows his wife bought. Great. Just, great. ____DEADPOOL_______ / Via reddit.com This husband, who told his wife he left a present for her on her pillow. Wow, rude. Orange_Ya_Glad / Via reddit.com The boyfriend that gave his girlfriend a very sweet back massage, then sent her a photo of what he ACTUALLY did. You are what you draw? zombiewafflezz / Via reddit.com The husband that added this finishing touch to his wife's body pillow. I wouldn t


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