Universal Soul Love Interview with Author Derrick Jensen

Dr Lana and Det David Love speak with Derrick Jensen Co-founder of Deep Green Resistance.

WHERE: Listen free online at bbsradio.com/universalsoullove
WHEN: Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 at 6:00pm Pacific/9:00pm Eastern and Wednesday, August 23rd 2017 at 11:00am in NSW Australia

Eco-Philosopher Poet, Environmental Activist, Co-Founder of Deep Green Resistance

"Derrick Jensen (born December 19, 1960) is an American author and radical environmentalist (and prominent critic of mainstream environmentalism) living in Crescent City, California. According to Democracy Now!, Jensen "has been called the poet-philosopher of the ecological movement."

"Jensen has published several books, including The Culture of Make Believe and Endgame, that question and critique civilization as an entire social system, exploring its inherent values, hidden premises, and modern links to supremacism, oppression, and genocide, as well as corporate, domestic, and worldwide ecological abuse. He has also taught creative writing at Pelican Bay State Prison and Eastern Washington University." JensenWikipedia

Deep Green Resistance

 Guest Website: Derrick Jensen


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