Special guest Patrick McCormick, spiritual author and channeler of Kartron, an intergalactic being, talk to Dr Lana and Det David Love about how to evolve our consciousness in the global shift. Patrick will also discuss the Superocnsciousness Project and how we can participate in Ascension Processes to raise the vibration of the planetary consciousness and manifesting a positive future. WHERE: Listen free online at http://boldbravemedia.com/universal-soul-love WHEN: Tuesday, June 13th 2017 at 7:30pm Pacific and 10:20pm Eastern Wednesday, 14th June 2017 at 11:00am in Sydney Australia GUEST BIO (You can also find this guest's bio and photo on BBS Radio) Patrick McCorkmick Kartron is an inter-dimensional being, here assisting humanity to embrace and embody its True Divine Potential. Channeled by Patrick. Biography Kartron is an inter-dimensional being, here assisting humanity to embrace and embody its True Divine Potential. He is channeled by Patric...