
Universal Soul Love: Transcension Keys

Dr Lana and Det David Love discuss the idea of "Transcension" or "Transcending The Matrix". Lana demonstrates the power of thee "Transcension Keys", a light body activation system for escaping the illusion of physical reality. WHEN: Tuesday, February 13th, 2018 at 6:00pm Pacific / 9:00 Eastern, and Wednesday, at 1:00pm NSW Australia WHERE:

Universal Soul Love: Interview with La Luna del Amazonas

Lana and David's Amazon Adventure Story: Det David and Dr Lana Love interview the founders of a Peruvian spiritual retreat centre called La Luna del Amazonas and their use of the Ayahuasca medicine plant. WHEN: Tuesday, February 6th, 2018 at 6:00 pm PST / 9:00 pm EST WHERE: Listen free online at

The Astrophysicist Who Wants to Help Solve Baltimore's Urban Blight

Vacant buildings are more than just an economic threat. They're also a public safety concern. And it turns out they have their own sort of gravitational pull.

Man Gives The Boots Off His Feet To A Homeless Man On The Subway

Man Gives The Boots Off His Feet To A Homeless Man On The Subway

The Gifts of Imperfection

Have you ever wondered what makes it easier for some folks to bounce back from difficulties than others? Resilience, or the ability to overcome adversity, includes 5 core components: resourcefulness, help-seeking, the belief that they can do something to help manage their feelings and to cope, availability of social support, and connections with others. But there's more to the stories of those who cultivate Wholehearted lives despite the stress, anxiety, and trauma they face. In this article, psychologist Brene Brown discusses how spirituality ultimately shapes our ability to bounce back from life's greatest challenges. "Without exception, spirituality the belief in connection, a power greater than self, and interconnections grounded in love and compassion emerged as a component of resilience."

Job Alert: How Would You Like to Babysit Robots?

For all their advances, robots still struggle with the human world. They get stuck. They get assaulted. But not to worry: Help is just a call center away.

Ex-Uber Engineer Accused of Spying on Tesla, Stealing Trade Secrets

A lawsuit from a former nanny brings new allegations against Anthony Levandowski, the engineer at the heart of the Uber/Waymo dispute.